Early birds
For those who book early
5% discount for bookings 60 days in advance
Not to be combined with the Majorka Lovers offer
Third bed Euro 18,00 till 2 jears, 35% till 3 jears, 50% till5 jears
Reductions -40% till 6 jears, -30% till 10 jears, – 20% till 14 jears, -10% adults
Full board supplement Euro 10,00 per person per day on the days when you want it excluded children up to two years. Meal in the day of departure Euro 22,00 per person.
Booking confirmation Euro 200,00 IBAN CODE IT89I 02008 34300 000040560237 BIC SWIFT CODE UNCRITM10AS Hotel Majorka.
For those who book early
5% discount for bookings 60 days in advance
Not to be combined with the Majorka Lovers offer